
“The Urban Folksinger”

Dubbed “the Kurt Vonnegut of songwriting,” Theo Czuk is a critically acclaimed singer/songwriter and an award winning novelist. Lyrically akin to, and armed with, Vonnegut’s rapier wit and incisive insight, Theo’s slant on the world has been described as “catawampus and exhilarating.”

An URBAN FOLKSINGER, Theo was born and raised on the hardscrabble streets of Detroit and spent his youth toe tapping boulevard curbs to the grooves of the city swelter. When at an early age he was introduced to Bob Dylan, the die was cast and the URBAN FOLKSINGER was chiseled.

With a rust-belt groove bolted under vocal, piano and guitar, songsmith Theo Czuk brings a gritty urban blue-collar sound to songs of love and hope and survival. A modern day humorist in the model of Will Rogers and Mark Twain, Theo share’s personal life stories with songs of humor and tempo’d tales of verse.

  • Songs that are spot-welding on the midnight shift at the Plymouth assembly plant.
  • Songs with a five-o’clock shadow.
  • Songs with their tongue planted firmly in their cheek.
  • Two-fisted songs of growling saxophone in one fist and a boilermaker in the other.
  • Songs that grew up under the belly of a salt-rusted Chevy, wrenching at the oil pan.

Critically Acclaimed

INDIE MUSIC DIGEST exclaims, “Theo brings the Mojo” and nominated TOO MANY SHADOWS for CD of the Year and added, “The music is highly original, extremely melodic with amazing writing and playing from all involved.” – Cyrus Rhodes

MUSIC EMISSIONS shares, “Vocals from Czuk are stellar! … here Czuk is most brilliant as he totally lets loose behind the mic. He’s clearly a master at delivering vocal emotion.” – J.J. Cooper

VALHALLA “Czuk’s multi-pronged artistic life encompasses prose, poetry, songwriting, and musicianship with such all consuming energy you’ll be forgiven if you wonder when he finds time to breathe, let alone sleep. Much can be attributed to his seemingly endless wellspring of melodies at his disposal and the chemistry between Czuk and the musicians he’s enlisted to help make this album … it’s impossible to not be impressed by his talent for selecting memorable details. His charisma comes through again as a singer … Theo Czuk’s bold experiment has paid off handsomely…” – Pamela Bellmore

INDIE SHARK summed it, “His voice has an amazing feel and a strong and infectious likeability factor. Czuk will please a wide range of musical personalities … one walks away feeling that Theo Czuk is really something special.” – Rupert Jackson

SKOPE MAGAZINE offered, “It twists and turns the way great albums should … the album just flows so well … the songs, the musicianship, the production, and the performance all knit together beautifully-even brilliantly.” – Michelle Paris

NEUFUTUR “Czuk’s near impeccable instincts for writing material in this idiom … The Black Bottom is an immersive experience – it practically demands that you lose yourself in its rich musicality and lyrical substance … You can’t help but admire the flawless construction characterizing this album. Czuk is obviously an increasingly rare recording artist … Czuk has a bit of daring in him and that boldness is derived from confidence. …it’s an important creative work among the finest released in 2017.” – Joshua Stryde

NO DEPRESSION – The Journal Of Roots Music “Czuk and his musical partners take on a number of popular styles within the genre with immense fluency and confidence that never strikes a false note… an authentic artistic voice … Czuk, as a writer, does a consistently outstanding job of bringing together a conversational style of writing with under the radar substance that makes an impact on attentive listeners… a glaring final example of the impressive creativity that he’s poured into this release” – Mindy McCall

The Gamut album cover

Too Many Shadows album cover

The Black Bottom album cover